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Regular Meetings


Sunday Morning Worship

1030 AM

A relaxed service of worship, prayer and bible teaching. Our sung worship includes modern songs and traditional hymns. We have a small music group and sometimes make use of videos or recorded music. All the words to songs are shown on our projector.

On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate Communion together.


On the third Sunday of the month we have a relaxed family service sometimes in a Cafe style. with children, and families staying in the whole service.

During most servicse we have groups for children and young people and after the service we socialise with refreshements


Tuesday Prayer Meeting


We meet in the back room to pray for matters of the church and the wider world.

If you can't make it why not pause to pray where you are for five minutes, try thinking of 5 people, or situations, and pray for a minute for each.


Baby & Toddler Group

Friday's 915am to 1045 (during term time)

Drop in with your pre-school children for a time of fun and community. Hot drinks for the parents, toys for the children. Register your details on this google form.

For a little more information visit CLICK HERE



Friday's from 1100am in to the afternoon

Drop in at any time from 11am, for a drink, games, crafts and conversation. We start as a Coffee Mornings and becomes a Soup Lunch around midday.

What's coming up: Services

Special Events

To Be Announced

What's coming up: Text

With thanks to our partners:

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©2021 by Farnborough Baptist Church, Queens Road, Farnborough, GU14 6DX

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