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What We Believe

As Baptists:

  • We believe in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour of the world.

  • We believe in the centrality of the Bible to order our lives.

  • We believe in believers baptism.

  • We believe the church is God's instument to the world.

  • We believe that God calls us to show the reality of Jesus in the whole of our lives


Our mission statement reflects these beliefs:  Knowing God, showing his love, serving the community.

Do ask if you would like more details about what we believe.


The Baptist beliefs can be sumarised by this acrostic first used in the 1960s by Duane Brown:
Biblical Authority - The bible is the ultimate authority and guides all aspects of our decision making as a church and as individuals.

Autonomy of local church - Each individual church is independent, it is accountable to God for it's own actions. This means each church should not claim authority over another nor one leader over another. But each church membership make it's own decisions through the wisdom, faith and gifts that God has given to each member.

Priesthood of all believers - each and every born again believer has direct access to the living God. Each is able to speak to and hear from God. Therefore each is of equal standing in the church, regardless of any individual quality.

Two Ordinances (Believers Baptism and The Lord's Supper) - Baptism of a believe in water is a symbol of faith in Christ and a desire to live the life that He has offered. The Lord's supper commemorates Christ's death and celebrates his resurrection. These are not sacraments, they don't earn salvation. But are gifts from God.

Individual soul liberty - Every individual has the ability to choose what they believe in regards to their faith. Including whether they believe or not.

Saved Church Membership - Membership, leadership and the decision making of a church should be reserved for saved believers so that the unity of their faith is central to the purpose of the church.

Two Offices (Elders and Deacons) - The Bible indicates two offices Spiritual Leadership (Pastor, Elder, Bishop, Overseer) and Physical Leadership (Deacon). These exist as an acknowledgement of a calling to lead and to serve, not as a hierarchy. And they exist within the local church, not outside of it.

What We Believe

Who We Work With

Baptist Union of Great Britain

Is a national family of Baptist Churches, they help Baptist churches with training, policies and procedures, networking and in many other ways.


South Eastern Baptist Association

Is our local Baptist Family, they help Baptist churches in many ways including during times of Pastoral Vacancy.


Baptist Missionary Society

As part of the Baptist Union, we have links with BMS World Mission which works in partnership with churches and missionaries around the world.


We support a few missionaries and are blessed by their stories when they visit us. Read about them here: Our Missionaries.


Farnborough Foodbank

Helping Local People in Crisis


The Triangle

The Triangle is our local Christian bookshop and coffee shop in Farnborough.

64 Kingsmead, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 7SL

Who We Work With

With thanks to our partners:

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©2021 by Farnborough Baptist Church, Queens Road, Farnborough, GU14 6DX

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